
My name is Angie Rodriguez

I'm a software engineer based in the PNW. I love working in React.js, TypeScript and more.

Angie Rodriguez profile pic

About Me

I'm a former liberal arts major who discovered web design around 2016. Since then I'm embarked on a lengthy journey to change careers and discover more of myself along the way.

When I'm not learning software engineering I love reading novels, playing with my cats Maggie and Thunder and jamming to video game music.

Angie Rodriguez profile pic

Personal Timeline:

2016 Became interested in web design as a career while interning in Spain

2016 Became interested in web design as a career while interning in Spain

2018 Moved to the Pacific Northwest

2018 Started my coding bootcamp

2019 Graduated from bootcamp

2021 Secured first full-time developer role

My Favorite Projects

GLS Funding

Client project. New website for Gold Leaf Servicing

View Github Repo
Client project. New website for Gold Leaf Servicing

Le Magasin Shop

E-Commerce MERN project with sandbox Paypal integration and Material UI styling

View Github Repo
E-Commerce MERN project with sandbox Paypal integration and Material UI styling

Magic Pong

Classic Pong game built with plain HTML, CSS and JavaScript

View Github Repo
Classic Pong game built with plain HTML, CSS and JavaScript

SpeedySpanish Quiz

Spanish Quiz App built with React Hooks

View Github Repo
Spanish Quiz App built with React Hooks
